Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


Written as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education
in English Department
A. 320 010 108
A. Background of the Study
As a foreign language in Indonesia, English is seriously learned by
many people to have a good prospect, to be the community of international
world. It is taught from elementary school up to the university. Nowadays in
line with the Indonesian government’s plan to the nine year basic education,
English teaching in elementary school has been possible. It is based on the
1994 Curriculum of Elementary School, in which English is taught as a local
subject. This means that children will be introduced to the foreign language
Since English is a new subject for most elementary school students the
teachers have to make them interested in it. Interest is an important factor to
make them pay attention to the subject. Teaching English to elementary school
students is different from teaching English in higher level. Elementary schools
students are those still like playing. Clark and Clark (1977: 322) in Fauziati
(2002: 171) states that children talk about “here and now”. It means that
children’s world involves around the here and now. They should not be asked
to discus abstract things or life and situation in the past or in the future.
Elementary school students have certain characteristics which are different
from teenagers or adults. That is why the teaching technique should be suitable
with them.
There are four English language skills, namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. The four skills are closely interdependent. The beginning
steps in learning language that have to be conducted by learners are being able
to know the words, to understand the meaning and to use them in
communication. Moreover, in the early stages of learning a language, one is
better introduced to vocabulary than grammar. Without an extensive
vocabulary, the students will be unable to use the structure and function. Thus,
in learning English, students have to learn vocabulary first in order to master
Mastering vocabulary is important for learners since vocabulary
knowledge, as one of the basic components, plays an important role in the four
language skills. It gives contribution to learners to perform their skill better. It
is impossible for the students to perform their English appropriately, if their
vocabulary is very poor. In short, by having limited vocabulary, the students
find it difficult to master the language skills, since a good store of words is
crucial for understanding and communicating. Therefore, vocabulary mastery
must be the first priority in English language teaching.
Teaching English to the students of elementary school is presenting
vocabulary since they learn English for the first time. In teaching vocabulary,
the English teacher gets some problems. The first problem is the students can
not pronounce the words correctly. It is not easy for the students because the
students have had experience with their native language. But, actually learning
a foreign language has many similarities with learning mother tongues. As
Scoot and Yterberg (1990: 4) clarified that “There are many similarities
between learning one’s mother tongue and learning a foreign language in spite
of the differences in age and the time available”. The second problem is the
students do not know the spelling and the way to write the English words.
Understanding of the spelling and the meaning of the English words is useful
for the students to understand the words. The last problem is the students do
not know the meaning of the English words. The translation skill is needed in
understanding the English words. Because of the problems, the English
teachers in elementary school need an appropriate method that can teach the
students how to spell the words, how to write the words and the meaning of the
words in the same time.
Reviewing some related theories, the problems can be overcome by
using audiovisual media. Audiovisual is one of the media used to teach
vocabulary. Audiovisual media are available in many forms, namely videos,
tape recorder, puppet toys and another. Here, the writer uses the tape recorder
and cassette as the media. The reason of the writer uses the tape recorder and
cassette in teaching vocabulary is the students can study how to spell the
words, how to write the words and what the meaning of the words in the same
time. The other reason why the writer chooses the audiovisual media for
teaching vocabulary is it trains the students memorizing the words.
Based on the explanation mentioned, the writer is interested in doing a
research about “The Use of Audiovisual Media to Improve Students’
Vocabulary Mastery at SDN Kauman 2 Widodaren Ngawi (An Action
B. Limitation of the Study
This research has broader scope and it is impossible for the writer to
handle all problems. Therefore the writer limits the scope of the study. The
study is only focused on the students in SDN Kauman 2 Widodaren Ngawi to
improve their vocabulary using audiovisual media.
C. Statements of the Problem
Related to the background of the study, the problems investigated by
the writer are as follows:
1. How is the implementation of teaching using audiovisual media improving
the students’ vocabulary mastery?
2. Does teaching using audiovisual media improve the students’ vocabulary
3. What are the students’ comments on teaching vocabulary using audiovisual
D. Objective of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
1. To know whether the use of audiovisual media improve the students’
vocabulary mastery
2. To know the comments of the students about teaching vocabulary using
audiovisual media.
E. Benefit of the Study
In this study the writer expects that the research paper has some
benefits both theory and practice.
1. Theoretical Benefit
a. The finding of this research will enrich the theory of student’s
vocabulary mastery
b. The result of research paper can be a useful input in English teaching
process especially for teaching vocabulary using audiovisual media.
2. Practical Benefits
a. The results help the teacher solve the problems in teaching vocabulary
b. For the students, it can improve the student’s vocabulary mastery and
motivate students to be active in teaching learning process
c. Teachers from other schools can adapt this strategy as the alternative to
teach vocabulary
F. Research Paper Organization
Research paper organization is given in order that the readers could
easily understand the content of the research paper. The study is divided into
five chapters that are organized as follows.
Chapter I is introduction. It deals with background of study,
limitation of study, statement of problem, objective of study, benefit of the
study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is review of related literature: which covers the previous
study, the general concept of vocabulary, that consist of notion of vocabulary,
kinds of vocabulary, the importance of vocabulary, the vocabulary limitation,
and vocabulary mastery, principles of teaching vocabulary, media for teaching
vocabulary, and audiovisual for teaching vocabulary.
Chapter III is research method; which consists of type of research,
subject of the research, object of the study, data and source data, method of
collecting data and technique for analyzing data.
Chapter IV is result and discussion. This chapter deals with results
that consists of action implementation, the improvement results of students’
achievement and the students’ comment on the teaching vocabulary using
audiovisual media, discussion
Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion.

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